Some published works

Below are some published works about Gagliato or published works by individuals of gagliatese origin or extraction.

If you know of any other authors or publications, please submit the relevant details by completing the contact form at the bottom of this page.

In date order (most recent to oldest):

This softcover book was written by Vito Pirruccio, published by Associazione Promocultura, and released in April 2020.

The book is written in Italian (182 pages).

The book may be purchased directly from the author or the publisher – contact details to come.


A unique collection of photographs and essays of Gagliato by photographers Nicola and Stephanie Gareri.

Printed and bound by Editoriale Bortolazzi-Stei in Verona, Italy in 2008. Limited edition of 1000 casebound copies.

Written in English with Italian translation insert available upon request (144 pages with 132 tritone images).

Available for purchase at


This softcover book appears to have been presented by its author, Francesco Armogida, to the town of Gagliato sometime in June or July of 2007. It offers historical, political, geographic and cultural tidbits about Gagliato.

The book is written in Italian (110 pages).

Copies of the book may be purchased in Gagliato at Bar Apollinaro.


This softcover book was presented by its author, Francesco Pitaro, to the town of Gagliato back in July of 1989. It is a well researched book that has been quoted in most writings about Gagliato ever since.

The book is written in Italian (197 pages).

Copies of the book may still be found in Gagliato at Bar Apollinaro.


This softcover release contains the famous local poem “Ì ZZìppuli” by the late Domenico Vitale. Printing was completed on May 1st, 1964 and it appears that the book is no longer in circulation. Rich with folklore and tradition, often cited and recited by the older generations.

The book is written in gagliatese dialect with Italian subtitles (44 pages).

A true collector’s item.


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